You have arrived. You came by jeep.
Welcome to the home of jeepform on the web, the Vi åker jeep homepage.
Vi åker jeep [Eng.: We go by jeep] is a group of scandinavian role-players and game wrights pushing their style of play, known as jeepform to the rest of the civilised role-playing world.
A list of upcoming games is available here.
Jeep News
Updated August 12th, 2009 by Jeepen
GenCon Emily, Frederik and Tobias are currently at GenCon attending the Diana Jones award ceremony and generally hanging out and playing games.
Updated August 12th, 2009 by Jeepen
Bleed The jeep dictionary has been updated with a definition of bleed.
Updated August 12th, 2009 by Jeepen
Slovakia Frederik and Tobias went to Gangy Presporku in Bratislava playing Mexicans with huge water guns.
Updated March 28th, 2009 by Jeepen
Finland JeepTuomas' latest game, Ditch'd (Enjoy the Silence) is now available.
Updated August 27th, 2008 by Jeepen
Czech Republic Frederik will be holding a presentation of Jeepform in Brno for interested parties sep 5-7. Jeepform for everyone as well as cool games like The Upgrade and Doubt. Look here for more info.
Updated August 4th, 2008 by Jeepen
GenCon Tobias will be at GenCon this year with as many games as he can carry — Doubt, The Upgrade, Drunk, A Free Form Soap Opera, GR, and more.
RopeCon J. Tuomas is going to RopeCon this year with a grab bag of good stuff, including his new jeep game "Ditch'd".
Finnish Exposure? There might be an interview with J. Tuomas in one of Finland's leading news papers in the "Where to go" section pimping "Ditch'd".
The Jeep, it is A-changing
Posted on April 16th, 2008 by Jeepen
2007 saw the inauguration of two new jeeps: Anna Westerling! and Anna-Karin Linder. Anna is a producer genious with a nick for larp and theatre and led the production and creative vision of A Nice Evening with the Family. Anna-Karin studies theatre and created the larp The Last Supper (with Kristoffer Lind), and recently held a meta techniques workshop at Solmukohta 2008 for a full room.
Already in 2008, we have inaugurated another two new jeeps: Ulrik Lehrskov-Schmidt and J. Tuomas Harviainen. Ulrik is one of the master-minds behind the Fastaval Café, the place to be at Fastaval and has single-handedly made reality of the upcoming JeepCon in July. We all wish we would have had him amongst us for years and years. Finally, J. Tuomas is the second Finnish addition to the jeep crew. He is a frequent and well-played larpwright, single father, librarian that knows a thing or two about Japanese rope bondage. He is also the first non-jeeper to have a game hosted on the jeep site.
We are also going to inaugurate Martin Jordö and Daniel Wilhelm-Olsson as soon as we can meet up with them somewhere and share a schnapps.
Frederik remarked that if we can team Ulrik up with Anna, they will be unstoppable.